Welcome to the Childhome website!

Legal notice


  • Company name: Childhome
  • Corporate form: private limited liability company

Contact details

Website hosting

  • Company name: UpCloud Ltd
  • Address: Aleksanterinkatu 15 B, 7th floor, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
  • Phone number: +358-9-3158 4810

Authorized representatives

  • Names: Mr.Julien Laporte and Mr. Bruno Rochette de Lempdes
  • Commercial registration number: 0822458743
  • VAT ID: BE0822458743
  • Tax ID: BE0822458743

Intellectual property rights

The entire content (texts, comments, works, illustrations, images, etc.) displayed on this site is reserved under copyright and intellectual property law for the entire world. Only private use is authorised, subject to different or even more restrictive provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Any other use constitutes an infringement and is punishable under the Intellectual Property Code without prior authorisation from Childhome. Any total or partial reproduction of the Childhome catalogue is strictly forbidden.

It is possible to download a copy of the documents onto a computer for the user's personal use and for non-commercial purposes only, provided that the user does not modify the information contained therein and that he/she keeps all copyrights and other proprietary notices intact. Modification of these documents or their use for any other purpose constitutes an infringement of Childhome's intellectual property rights.

The user who has a personal website and who wishes to place, for personal use, on his site a simple link referring directly to the home page of the website, must request authorisation from the company Childhome. Under no circumstances will this constitute an implicit affiliation agreement.

On the other hand, any hypertext link to the website using the framing or in-line linking technique is strictly prohibited. In all cases, any link must be removed at the request of Childhome.